Find hope. find clarity. find purpose. find You.
You are meant to be here..
No more waking up feeling lost, stuck and unsure of how to move forward. The life you knew may be gone and you don’t know what comes next…or who you are anymore.
I’ve been there. But this isn’t where your story ends!
You CAN rewrite your story. And you don’t have to do it alone.
I can help you rediscover yourself, reclaim your future and rebuild a life that feels like yours again.
Your New Chapter Starts Here—Let’s Begin!

GET your Free 7 STEP Guide to Rediscover Your Destiny!
Reconnect to Your TRUE Self, Reimagine Your Dreams, Reclaim Your Power, Rebuild your Life, Renew Your Purpose ...all from the Inside Out!
(With over 100+ guided journal prompts to help you gain clarity, confidence, hope, vision and meaning along with action steps to take you forward)
Are you feeling…
lost? stuck? confused? overwhelmed? uncertain? trying to adjust to a change? Or perhaps ready for change?
Are you asking…

I understand! I have been where you are (many times)…
I know what it is like to go through major change, transitions, challenges, and loss. I am here to tell you…YOU can Rediscover yourself. Rewrite your story. Rebuild your life and Start again..ANYTIME! There is a light IN the tunnel and that light is YOU!
As a Trauma Informed, Transformational Life and Grief Coach, I have help people go from feeling Hopeless to Hopeful. Confused to Clear and Confident. Heartbroken to Heartopen. Powerless to Powerful and go on to live their most meaningful lives YET!

your destiny is calling…literally!
Often times…our greatest difficulties can be the catalyst to move our lives forward to a higher purpose.
No matter what you are facing or shift that is taking place in your life, You CAN and WILL get back in the driver's seat and take control of your Destiny!! Even if LIFE has thrown you off and you are having doubts, fears or are confused; that alone can be a signal that YOU are on the brink of transformation! It is an opening to heal, create all you desire and to become the person you are meant to be. There is no better place to start than from exactly where you are…AS you are!
I believe YOU have the answers inside you. It may not feel that way now… but YOU do!
Sometimes you just need guidance, counsel, support and further insight to help you FACE the unknown, HEAL pain, CONFRONT challenges, BUILD your confidence, UNCOVER and DISCOVER the truth of all you are and want to be....and then stretch you to do, be and live it! That is where I come in…
So, whether you are seeking change or it has been forced upon you… I can help YOU! Click the button below to schedule a COMPLIMENTARY Call with me to discuss how I might be able to support you on your path towards hope, healing, purpose and meaning and rebuild your life from the inside out!

how we can WORKTogether
life coaching
grief coaching
programs & courses

your destiny is My Destiny
I honestly believe it is MY purpose to help others live their most authentic life! I am here to serve, to uplift, to inspire and to help you navigate your way through life, loss and everything in between.
I know what it is like to go through hell and back. I have been through divorce, job loss, bankruptcy, career changes and childhood sexual abuse (those are just the highlights) but NOTHING broke me down and brought me to my knees as that of the tragic and profound loss of my brother, my best friend, Joseph. (It would mean the world to me for you to visit his legacy page JOSEPH'S DESTINY here).
Through it all, I have grown exponentially, inside out, found purpose in my pain and have transformed and rebuilt my own life! Now, it is MY Destiny to help you transform yours!
Aside from my personal experiences, I am a Certified Transformational Life Coach, Grief Support Leader, Trained Crisis Counselor, Violence Intervention Specialist oh, and I am a singer too!

What others are Saying!

Let’s make a difference together! There are many causes that are important to me. I want to be the change I hope to create. Therefore, any service, product and/or program you purchase from my site, a portion of the proceeds will be donated to a charitable organization that is close to my heart. Click to learn more and how you can pay it forward with me! Click to learn more about the organizations that important to me!